Monday, August 26, 2013

Intial thoughts to Diigo

Hello everyone

To kickstart my blogging for EDTECH 543 class I thought I'd share some intial reaction to a new website and service we've been asked to use called Diigo, which can be found here.

At first I thought Diigo was the marriage between Google reader and pinterest. Now that I have spent the last couple of hours with diigo, Ive come to see in itself, it adds little features that can make it a very useful tool at home and in the office. One of the first aspects that I really enjoyed was the ability to share to twitter right from the bookmark tool bar. The bookmark tool itself to use diggo was as easy as dragging an item my toolbar area. A side note is that I use Firefox as a browser so I can only speak for the ease it was for that particular browser, but I assume the set up is universal. The process itself is straightforward and I'm looking forward to using the community side more in the coming days.  The only addition I would like to see would be when I open my library if it could recognize my news websites and give me a preview of the headlines much like Feedley does. Instead of just listing the different sites I use, a preview of their current trending topics at each would be a great improvement.

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