Friday, February 7, 2014

Brig and Responsibilites

We are a couple weeks into the world of Education and Gaming. Here is an update about how our roles in Second Life play out. Put away your initial thought of, wow you get to play games in graduate school like second life, seems like a lot of fooling around if you ask me. You probably won't find to many people discussing learning theory and state of play research in Second Life the way the class does.  While it maybe a game we are using as a medium for meeting up with one another, it is all academic after that. One key component of our role play is having different roles aboard the ship. My role is that of a security officer. Below are my classroom assignment duties:
Security officers:
  • Patrol the decks.
  • Accompany visitors when on board the station.
  • Secure prisoners.
  • Conduct investigations.
  • Report directly to the Commander, 1st officer, and 2nd officer about things they discover.
  • Any other duty outlined by the Command group.

our first visitor was a fellow academic that directed us into the incredible world of defining play, which you may recall from my previous post and research. So far the instructional design that has gone into the course is impressive. Every move and game we play has a calculated a meaningful purpose towards our understanding of the role gaming plays, and could play as a learning theory and tool for educators as well as ourselves in the classroom.

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